Blog — herbs
Immune system boosting with tea
As amazing as it sounds there are plenty of herbs that can help our immune system to be prepared against unknown threats. Here we list some natural herbs and ingredients that can make a difference when the next cold knocks the door.
4 Must-Have Herbs In Your Kitchen Cabinet
Fall is coming and runny noses and coughs begin to crash the party. To prepare your immune system for the weather changes, there are a few herbs you should add to your daily routine. It has already been proved that herbal teas can improve your health. Herbs like Elderberry, Ginger, Nettle, Chamomile and others can strengthen the immune system, and prepare our body to be resistance the cold. Chamomile tea is such a gem, with not only aiding as a stress relief (which might also help to boost your immune system) but has also anti-inflammatory properties and can relief cough discomfort. Ginger is...
8 reasons you should add turmeric to your diet - and lots of it!
It has been called “the new matcha” and took the health and wellness world by storm. From teas, to capsules, juice shots, cocktails, and lattes - turmeric is the new flavor of the moment in every local organic cafe or green grocery. While turmeric is the latest trend in the Western world, in the Middle and the Far East it has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years, as one of the most effective nutritional supplements that nature can offer. As we catch up on the trend, hundreds of studies had already proven the amazing benefits turmeric...
Herbs and Pregnancy: The Do’s and Don’ts
In moderation, some herbs can be helpful in fighting pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and insomnia. What should you use, and what should be avoided?