As amazing as it sounds there are plenty of herbs that can help our immune system to be prepared against unknown threats. Here we list some natural herbs and ingredients that can make a difference when the next cold knocks the door:
Are we talking about super-plants? Rich in antioxidants, it also might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast, it contains anti-inflammatory properties, helps to reduce fever, and improve sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood.
Lemon verbena
Calm down, lemon verbena is here! Good for soothing digestive disorders such as bloating and nausea, it is also known for easing anxiety symptoms, and it may help to lower fever and ease the chills.
Did somebody say immune system booster? Well, ginger is widely known for fighting against bacteria and having anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps with digestive issues such as nausea and bloating.
Orange peel
Orange peels are charged with hesperidin, a flavonoid with anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, they contain beta-cryptoxanthin which is known to lower cancer risk, and, as if it wasn’t enough, they are rich in vitamins A and C.
Generous in antioxidants, in fact, rich in alkamides, which enhance antioxidant activity. Also, studies have proved that echinacea helps reducing inflammation and may help regulate sugar levels.
Marigold flowers
Are known to have antiseptic/anti-inflammatory properties, they promote the production of Vitamin A and help to soothe the mucus membranes of the throat, easing the pain.
Miss Tea has created a special blend of these herbs to boost your immune system. If you want to learn more click here and be delighted with this organic artisan citrus-flavored tea.
Disclaimer All information and resources found on MissTea.com are based on the opinions of the author (unless otherwise noted). All information is intended to motivate readers to make their own health, nutrition, and lifestyle decisions after consulting with their health care provider. Miss Tea's focus is to encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle, sharing educational resources.
Miss Tea encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. NO information on this website should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.