There are innumerable benefits that can be found in green tea. However, not all teas are the same; the origin and quality of its ingredients play a vital role when it comes to being considered as a helping agent for the human body.
Green tea, where does it come from?
Green tea originally comes from Southeast Asia; In particular, it is characteristic of southern China. Thanks to the altitude and humidity, the Camellia Sinensis plants find ideal conditions to grow.
It is typical of traditional Chinese medicine; in fact, we can thank this plant for the Green, Black, White, Pu-erh, Oolong, (among others) teas; what varies between them is the processing and the degree of oxidation.
1.- Thermogenic
Yes, green tea contains caffeine; well, it's actually called theine. This agent will accelerate metabolism and promote weight loss by increasing body temperature. This does not mean that drinking tea works miraculously; It is essential to eat a balanced diet. If you are a little overweight and wish to drop some pounds, we encourage you to reach a specialist who gives appropriate and personalized guidance.
2.- Anti-aging
Being rich in antioxidants, green tea can help slow down the inflammatory processes that lead to aging; It helps the circulatory system reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases since it promotes healthy blood pressure.
You must consult your physician before drinking green tea or taking any other natural remedy if you suffer from any disease.
3.- Vitamins
Yes! As incredible as it may seem, green tea is rich in vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H, and K; it also contains minerals such as manganese, zinc, chromium, and selenium.
We love having an iced green tea after exercising to help our bodies regain lost minerals when sweating. Try it out!
Disclaimer All information and resources found on MissTea.com are based on the opinions of the author (unless otherwise noted). All information is intended to motivate readers to make their own health, nutrition, and lifestyle decisions after consulting with their health care provider. Miss Tea's focus is to encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle, sharing educational resources.
Miss Tea encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health or diet changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. NO information on this website should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.