Blog — herbal infusion
Welcome 2019: Our New Year's Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions are a beautiful concept, but, let’s face it - life gets in the way. We start strong and confident: this will be the year we will become healthier and happier, but then late nights at work, the winter and lots of pizza have their own plans for our year. Changing habits is hard. Yet, each and every New Year’s Eve you know in your heart - you deserve to be better than you are, one step at a time. So our first resolution for a healthier and happier year is to stick to our resolutions. Our...
8 reasons you should add turmeric to your diet - and lots of it!
It has been called “the new matcha” and took the health and wellness world by storm. From teas, to capsules, juice shots, cocktails, and lattes - turmeric is the new flavor of the moment in every local organic cafe or green grocery. While turmeric is the latest trend in the Western world, in the Middle and the Far East it has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years, as one of the most effective nutritional supplements that nature can offer. As we catch up on the trend, hundreds of studies had already proven the amazing benefits turmeric...
Herbs and Pregnancy: The Do’s and Don’ts
In moderation, some herbs can be helpful in fighting pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and insomnia. What should you use, and what should be avoided?
Herbs for autumn
Preparing our body for Autumn... We love the autumn, season of magical colors and fresh crisp breezes. Autumn reminds us that winter is around the corner and our body is starting to get ready for the cold season. While refreshing our winter coats, it is important to remember that our inner coat- our immune system, could also use some attention. Preparing our immune system for this season can help our body adjust to the weather change. It can also balance seasonal allergy reactions. But most important, it can strengthen our body’s immunity to the cold weather. So, when we...