Creamed Real Honey
Miss Tea is concerned about the future of bees in the world. We pick the honey we carry very carefully. Heirloom Acre Honey raises dozens of beehives. In doing so, they encourage bee growth in the Pennsylvania area.
This creamed honey is delicious, local, raw honey and has a yummy, creamy consistency. From freshly toasted bread to a tall stack of shortcakes, you will find a hundred ways to love this! This product does not need to be refrigerated. Do not leave in direct sunlight or hot temperatures. If you find your creamed honey has started to soften, you can refrigerate to firm it up.
Beacon Shop
520-A Main Street
Beacon NY 12508
United States
Creamed Real Honey
Miss Tea is concerned about the future of bees in the world. We pick the honey we carry very carefully. Heirloom Acre Honey raises dozens of beehives. In doing so, they encourage bee growth in the Pennsylvania area.
This creamed honey is delicious, local, raw honey and has a yummy, creamy consistency. From freshly toasted bread to a tall stack of shortcakes, you will find a hundred ways to love this! This product does not need to be refrigerated. Do not leave in direct sunlight or hot temperatures. If you find your creamed honey has started to soften, you can refrigerate to firm it up.