Lapacho - Pau D’Arco Bark
Lapacho or taheebo is a herbal tea made from the inner bark of the pau d'arco tree Handroanthus impetiginous. Lapacho is used in the herbal medicine of several South and Central American indigenous peoples to treat a number of ailments including infection, fever, and stomach complaints.
Ingredients: Organic Lapacho
1.5 tsp.
Tablespoons per serving -
206 ºF
Brewing temperature - 4-5 min
Brewing time
Caffeine Free-
Perfect for iced-tea -
Try it unsweetened
Lapacho - Pau D’Arco Bark
Lapacho or taheebo is a herbal tea made from the inner bark of the pau d'arco tree Handroanthus impetiginous. Lapacho is used in the herbal medicine of several South and Central American indigenous peoples to treat a number of ailments including infection, fever, and stomach complaints.
Ingredients: Organic Lapacho